

Present Raytown Lodge building, constructed in 1931

Our Lodge was chartered on October 13, 1871. The Grand Master was Most Worshipful Brother Thomas E. Garrett, and the first Master was Worshipful Brother J. B. Yager.

The first hall locations are unknown. People just met where they were. A later lodge hall was located over Grosely Store and Hardware. In those days they were called General Stores.

The original lodge was destroyed by a fire caused by fireworks. Colonel H. Brooking gave us a Civil War Sword after the fire. The lodge was then moved to a store building. It then moved upstairs, and finally, into the present building, built in 1931, at 6309 Overton. The lodge has occupied these premises ever since.

The new building is so built that it must fall in towards the center not outwards. Most Worshipful Brother Thad B. Landon, Grand Master dedicated the building.