Category Archives: News

Annual Past Master’s Night

At our stated communication on Thursday, June 20, 2024 we will have our annual Past Master’s night. We will have pizza at 6pm and will open the meeting at 7pm. It’s always a great time as we put our Past Masters to work in the various functions of opening and closing the lodge. If you are a Past Master, or if you are a brother Master Mason who enjoys watching Past Masters put to work, then come out and join us!

Officer Elections and Dues Adjustment

At our last stated meeting we conducted our annual election of officers. The following brothers were elected to serve the lodge for the upcoming Lodge year, beginning in October:

Master: Bro. Eric Mesa
Sr. Warden: WB Jim Moore
Jr. Warden: WB Tony Beary
Treasurer: WB Steve Holbrook
Secretary: WB Tom Ballieu

Congratulations to these brothers for being elected to serve next year!

Also, the lodge voted favorably on a motion to increase the lodge dues, beginning with the 2024-25 lodge year. Next year dues will increase by $20 to help offset our continually increasing costs. Dues will now be $100.50 per year, which is still significantly less than many lodges in the area.

Third Degree and MOCHIP event

Third Degree:
The lodge will confer a third degree on Thursday, April 20.  We will meet at 7pm with dinner before.  Please come out and help raise our newest Master Mason!

The lodge is sponsoring a MOCHIP event at Raytown High School on Saturday, April 22.  Setup and training is at 9am and the event runs from 10am-2pm.  We need volunteers to assist.  If you can assist please sign up at the event at or if you are unable to use the online signup you can contact RWB Tony Mesa or RWB Rick Kingcade.

Annual Installation and Past Masters Dinner

Raytown Lodge will conduct our annual installation of officers on Saturday, October 15th, at 3:00pm. Immediately following we will have our annual Past Masters dinner. All members and spouses/guests are invited to join us for this annual event celebrating the installation of our new Master and officers, and recognizing our Past Masters for their contribution to the success of the lodge.

Past Masters Night – Thursday, June 16, 2022

This Thursday at our stated communication will be our Past Masters night, where we honor the brothers who have led our lodge in years past. The evening will begin with our monthly pot luck dinner at 6:30, to which family are also invited.

At our stated communication we will draw names from a hat and have Past Masters sit in the officers chairs for opening and closing. There may be a ‘twist’ or two along the way. It is sure to be a fun and interesting evening.

It is also our annual Tom Truman Remembrance night, so please wear your bright Hawaiian shirts and colorful socks. We hope you will join us!