Monthly Archives: January 2015

Two Brothers Passed

Brothers- I just wanted to share more good news from Raytown #391. We have continued to grow. At our last regular communication (01-15-15) we passed two Brothers. They are Brother Doug Jonesi and Brother Joseph Swalina. What made the night even better, was that both Brothers had people who were VERY special to them there. Brother Jonesi had a long time friend, and member of our lodge; Brother Rick Kingcade. Brother Swalina had his father, Brother Paul Swalina, there and his father is also a member of our lodge.

We continue to refer to each other as “Brother”, and this shows a strong family bond between men. I think that in this case we not only strengthened the bond between Brothers but we strengthened the bond in two families. When you see these new Fellow Crafts, be sure to congratulate them. They have earned the recognition. I am looking forward to seeing them both raised, and even more to their growth and involvement in the fraternity. Tom Saccardi

Next meeting 01-15-15

Brethren- I hope that 2015 starts with everyone being healthy. The holiday season is always busy visiting with friends and family. Sometimes we have to travel, sometimes we get to sit still and people travel to see us. However it works out, it is nice to see our friends and family but it is also nice to settle down back into our old routines. We will have our regular communication this Thursday (01-15-15). It will start at 7:30 PM and food/dinner will be provided before. Please come out and visit and share all about how well the family and children are doing after the holiday season. We will hopefully be performing at least one 2nddegree. This is still being ironed out. If your schedule permits, please come out and help with the degree work. The more brothers at any degree make it that much better for the brother receiving the degree. We will also start talking about a new possible fund raising idea. I think that this will be a good thing for our lodge and has the potential to get Raytown Lodge #391 more visible in our community. I would like for as many brothers as possible to hear about this idea and possible help out. The more help we have for any event, the less work any one person has to do. More to the point, the more help we get on an event, the more fun we all have with the event!!! I look forward to seeing everyone soon. Take care and stay well. Please pass this web page and information along to other brothers who may not know that we have a web page up and running again. W.M Tom Saccardi