Master’s Message – December 23, 2015

Brothers, as we approach the end of 2015 I would like to provide an update of activities at the Lodge.

We were excited to honor Brothers Robert Fray and William Rodgers with the presentation of pins commemorating 50 years of membership. Congratulations to Brothers Fray and Rodgers. It is always a pleasure to meet men who have been long time members of our Lodge and our organization.

On December 3rd we hosted RWB Scott Filkins, District Deputy Grand Master for our official visit. RWB Filkins delivered the latest message from the Grand Master.

The officers of Raytown Lodge are excited to have achieved the Bronze ritual award for opening and closing the lodge. This is a nice accomplishment. We are committed to continuing to perfect our Masonic ritual and we intend to achieve our Silver ritual award (conferring a first degree) in the near future. The officers are also committed to trying to earn a Gold ritual award this year. The Gold award is presented to lodges who successfully confer a third degree using all their own members. Raytown has not received this award for many years, and we intend to do our best to achieve it in 2016. This will require the assistance of all Lodge members who are knowledgeable in the ritual of the third degree. Please watch for more information soon.

To further education on ritual we continue to conduct our own Study Club on the first and third Wednesdays at 7:00pm. This effort is led by WB Michael Tatham, Lodge Education Officer. We encourage all officers and interested members to attend to take part in learning the ritual of opening and closing as well as degree conferral and other interesting Masonic education.

Raytown Lodge will be conferring a first degree at the next regular communication on Thursday, January 7, 2016. We will be starting at 7:00pm instead of our usual 7:30 start time. We encourage all members and brethren to join for this important event. In addition to this new member we have several other petitions in various stages of investigation so it appears we will have a busy winter and spring with degree work.

RWB Glenn Burrows, Regional Grand Lecturer, will conduct a regional School of Instruction at Raytown Lodge on Saturday, January 9, 2016. Breakfast will be served at 8:00am with the school to begin at 9:00am. Lunch will also be served. We hope Raytown Lodge is well represented and encourage all other brethren to join as well.

In closing, for myself and on behalf of the officers of Raytown Lodge I would like to thank each and every member and participating brother for your continued support of Freemasonry and of the Lodge. I would also like to wish each of you and your families the very best this Holiday season.

Please enjoy the holidays safely and we look forward to seeing you in 2016!

Steven Holbrook
Worshipful Master