Monthly Archives: January 2017

Special Communication – Saturday 2/4/17 and study club reminder

Raytown Lodge will be conferring two 3rd degrees at a special communication this Saturday, 2/4/17 at 1:00pm. We welcome all members and brethren to help us raise two worthy brothers.

We will also be conducting our regular ritual study club practice this Wednesday evening, 2/1/17 at 7:00pm to practice for Saturday’s event. Please join us if possible for this important practice.

Message from the Worshipful Master – December 31, 2016


I wish you all a happy and healthy new year. Raytown Lodge #391 has been active this month both within and outside the lodge. We have had several brothers assisting other lodges with degree work. Brothers have been working and achieving their “sub” cards, keeping Raytown on the map for expertise on all things ritual. We had a very nice turn out for the amended Chili with Santa. My apologies for changing the date if it kept any from attending, but Mother Nature was not playing nice.

We helped 2 needy families for Christmas. I will not go into specifics but I will say to those who were in lodge during our “pass the hat”, that the heat has been fixed and everyone was warm and toasty for Christmas.

Finally, we buried one of our own. Joseph LaChance. I would like to personally thank RWB Thayne for leading the service as well as all the RWBs, WBs and brothers who attended the Masonic Funeral. I have been lucky enough to not have to attend any Masonic Funerals up until this point but I believe we had a great showing and the family was very appreciative of our efforts. Joe definitely wanted this so I am pleased that we were able to have a command presence to help Brother Joe on to that “house not made with hands”.

As we bring in the new year, we will continue on our trek towards the gold award. Study club will begin again in January and I hope to see all of you there. Don’t forget to check the lodge calendar for the next events. We have tried to schedule at least one event every month so please attend if possible. Finally brethren, let us continue to do what we are best at; being good Masons. Enjoy your holiday.


WB Bryan