Monthly Archives: April 2019

Lodge By-Law updates presented for consideration

Based on input from members and discussion at various meetings, the By-Laws committee of Raytown Lodge #391 has submitted the following five motions for consideration by the Lodge:

Motion #1 – Creates the definition of “Grand Lodge” for reference in other sections of the By-Laws.  This is a clerical/housekeeping amendment.

Motion #2 – Creates an expense stipend of $75 per month to be paid to the Secretary.  This was lodge practice for some time (at different rates) but has not been routinely paid for a while and was not reflected in the By-Laws.

Motion #3 – Identifies the officers who are designated as Lodge representatives at Grand Lodge, and provides for a flat stipend of $200 per office to cover their expenses (mileage/gas, meals, rooms, etc.) should they choose to attend.  We have had varying practices on this in the past but the By-Laws did not address the matter.

Motion #4 – Updates the lodge dues from $37.50 to $45.00 per year to cover increasing operating expenses.  Also aligns the By-Laws to cover past lodge practice of not charging Past Masters of our lodge the lodge portion of the dues, by the creation of separate dues “classes”. 

Motion #5 – Separates the duties of “Custodian” to two separate roles; “Custodian” to handle inside cleaning and maintenance and “Groundskeeper” to handle outside work, and splits the stipend paid between the two.  Increases the total cost from $75/month to $90/month ($45/month for each).

The By-Laws committee takes no position on any of these matters, and only served to review the various topics, assure they were in proper form and prepared the motions.

The proposed Amendments will lie over until the next Stated communication on April 18, 2019 to be considered, discussed and voted on.  Passage requires 2/3 majority of all members present. Amendments may also be offered and discussed at that time.

We encourage all interested members to joins us for this meeting as we consider these changes.