Monthly Archives: June 2019

Election of officers for 2019-2020 lodge year

At our regular communication on Thursday, June 6, we elected the following officers to serve the lodge for the 2019-2020 lodge year:

  • Master: WB Rick Kingcade
  • Sr. Warden: Br. Doug Jonesi
  • Jr. Warden: Br. Mike Gatchet
  • Treasurer: WB Steven Holbrook
  • Secretary: WB Hank Bedsaul

Installation of officers is scheduled for Saturday, September 28, 2019 at 3pm, with our annual Past Masters Dinner after.

Please join us in congratulating these brothers!

June 20, 2019 – early start for third degree

Raytown Lodge will be conferring a third degree at our stated communication on Thursday, June 20. We will open our meeting at 7pm with dinner served before. We need all available members and brethren to join us to help us welcome our newest Master Mason!