Message from the Worshipful Master – October 29, 2019


I am pleased to provide you the latest update from Raytown Lodge #391.  We are actively progressing into the new lodge year.

The annual Lodges of Instruction have begun.  We have completed two sessions and so far Raytown Lodge has a significant lead in attendance over the other lodges of the 19th district.  Just as a reminder, the 18th and 19th districts are hosting joint Lodges of Instruction this year.  Remaining sessions are scheduled at 7pm on Wednesdays, 10/30 hosted by Cecile Daylight Lodge #305 at Independence Masonic Temple, 11/6 hosted by Kansas City Lodge #220 at the Scottish Rite Temple, 11/20 hosted by Raytown Lodge #391 and 12/4 hosted by Temple Gate Lodge #299 at the Historic Kansas City Masonic Temple. 

It is also official visit season.  For those who aren’t familiar, each year the District Deputy Grand Master is directed by Grand Lodge by-laws to visit each lodge in his district in an official capacity to review the health of the lodge and deliver the Grand Master’s annual address.  Raytown Lodge’s official visit is scheduled for our stated communication on Thursday, November 21 at 7:30pm.  There is ceremony associated with the visit which we will review at the Lodge of Instruction on 11/6 and will also practice before the visit.

As mentioned in the last Trestleboard we are changing our dinner plans up a bit, and the second stated meeting of each month will now feature a ‘pot luck’ dinner where families are invited to join us.  We hosted our first such event on October 17th.  We had a number of family members join us for dinner and great fellowship.  We need to organize ourselves a little better as to the ‘pot luck’ aspects of who brings what, but let’s do our best to make this a monthly social event where our families can enjoy one anothers company.

The lodge has an active pipeline of degree work, as we have one petition ready to ballot, two Entered Apprentices and one Fellowcraft for whom we need to schedule degrees.  We plan to focus the second stated meeting of each month on degree work unless scheduling or volume of work requires that we change the plan.

We are also implementing the Grand Lodge mentoring program and will be assigning an experienced Master Mason as mentor to each new member to help guide and educate him through the process.  If you are interested in serving as a mentor to new members please let me know.

Raytown Lodge is one of the larger and stronger lodges in the Kansas City area, but attendance at our recent meetings wouldn’t indicate that. We need our members and Past Masters to join us for stated meetings.  We are striving to deliver an entertaining and informative experience at each meeting and need your support.  If you haven’t attended in a while please join us.  We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 7:30pm.  If you haven’t attended in a while that is fine, as the Brothers will be happy to help refresh you on what you need to know.


Rick Kingcade
Worshipful Master 2019-2020