Message From The Worshipful Master, 10 October 2020

Greetings, Brethren!

To begin, I would like to say again what a privilege and honor it is to serve our Lodge as Worshipful Master this year – and I believe we are going to have a great year!

Though we begin our year with difficulties imposed on us by the COVID-19 pandemic, we can count ourselves as blessed that our difficulties are from the precautions we must take, rather than from the toll taken by the illness itself.  We are not completely unscathed, but so far, thank Heaven, the toll has been light.  As a reminder, we are required by Grand Lodge edict to abide by all state and local regulations on the matter, and the Jackson County Health Department ( by way of County Executive Frank White, has ordered that masks/face coverings must be worn at all indoor gatherings, unless actively eating; so, until that order is lifted, Raytown 391 will do as we must.

My thanks to RWB’s Matt and Dan Quesenberry, RWB, Brad Fowler, and RWB Rick Kingcade for conducting a splendid installation ceremony on Saturday, 26 September 2020.  As precautionary measures, we did not have guests, and we postponed the Past Masters Dinner (date TBD) until we can all enjoy it without worry.  God willing, that will be sooner, rather than later.

I would like to repeat here a couple of thoughts mentioned at that ceremony.  Yes, as a nation, a community, a fraternity, we are in the middle of a rough patch at present.  There is no doubt about that.  But our chapter of this fraternity has seen other rough patches and made it through.  We were founded in the Reconstruction Era by men with all-too-fresh memories of the Civil War and the strife which preceded that.  We made it through the War To End All Wars, and its sequel, as well as the Great Depression and Prohibition eras that separated them.  We made it through the Korean Conflict, the Cold War, the Vietnam/Sixties Era, Watergate.  We will make it through this rough patch.  Our brethren, from time immemorial, figured out what is truly important.  In our ritual, our obligations, our charges are found the tools to confidently – cheerfully, even – make it through these rough patches.  By practicing out of the lodge that which is taught within, we not only benefit ourselves and our brethren, but also our community, our nation, and world.

We have a great Lodge – part of a great Fraternity – and I believe we are going to have a great year!

Fraternally yours,

Doug Jonesi, Worshipful Master

Raytown Lodge #391 AF&AM