Due Notice…

Brethren–Due to the recent changes in the COVID-19 situation, all things considered, it is prudent we suspend group activities for a time. I have canceled Lodge meetings of 19 November, and both meetings in December. Also, formal study clubs hosted by Raytown 391 are canceled for the same time period. Any informal gatherings of our members at the Lodge must conform to regulations imposed by Jackson County and Grand Lodge edicts. In mid-December, I will reassess the situation for January.

During this time, I encourage all Brethren to keep in touch with one another, to responsibly practice ritual individually and in small groups, and each of us to do what we can to help out each other — and the community — through these difficulties.

Though we are going dark for a time, we are still a Lodge and we are still Masons. Let us remember in whom we put our trust; trust in Him. Better days will come. Amen.

Fraternally yours,
