Happy Holidays! – News from the Lodge

Raytown Lodge #391 was recently honored to recognize two lodge members upon attaining 50 years of membership. At our regular communication on December 3, 2015, Brothers Robert Fray and William Rodgers were presented with their 50 year pins by RWB Scott Filkins, DDGM of the 19th Masonic District. Photos of the event can be found in the photo gallery, Special Events section.

Raytown Lodge will be conferring a first degree at our regular communication on Thursday, January 7, 2016. We will be starting at 7:00pm instead of the usual 7:30pm. We encourage all members and interested brethren to join us for this event.

The Worshipful Master and officers of Raytown Lodge #391 AF&AM wish each and every member, brother and their families the best this holiday season. Have a safe and happy Christmas holiday and we look forward to seeing you in 2016!