Brother Bill Shipman

All- For those who have not heard, Brother Bill Shipman passed away yesterday. I don’t have any more details and I have not heard about memorial services yet. Brother Shipman was a big part of the Eastgate Travelers Club, Eastgate Monday morning study club and a huge supporter of anyone who wanted to improve his Masonic ritual. It was Brother Bill who helped to show me that I could learn ritual and still have fun with it. I will always remember that when he took the step in degree work, he was able to turn his feet in completely opposite directions. His toes would be next to his heels, feet side by side. When I struggled with my ritual Bill would do something and bring a smile to my face when I needed it and let me get refocused. I am being selfish when I say that I will miss my friend. I hope and pray that I can bring as much to Masonry as Bill brought to me. Please keep Brother Bill and his family in your thoughts and prayers! I will pass on information as I get it. Tom