Author Archives: Doug Jonesi

5 July 2021 Message from the Worshipful Master

5th July 2021

Brethren –

It gives me great pleasure to announce that our 2021 fireworks sale has concluded and has done so as a great success!  Owing both to the hard work and dedication of the Masons and family members of our lodge and our associate lodges, and more than a smidgen of Providence, sales this year were improved 58% over last year (and last year was a very good year)!

My deepest, most heartfelt gratitude goes out first to the Almighty, from Whom all good things originate, and to the team who persevered through rain and heat to realize this accomplishment!  Through your efforts we have achieved (and exceeded!) our goals for this project.  All the big stuff – and almost all the little stuff – was sold out by 6:00 p.m. and, kindly assisted by Bill and Brian Lamanno, the closing crew were all done and gone before the sun set on the 4th of July. 

I also wish to praise you all for the wonderful customer-service given our customers during this project.  Of the hundreds and hundreds of people who came through the tent during the week, none left disgruntled.  The few issues that arose from error were quickly resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.  It was truly a pleasure to witness, and I thank you!

Masonically yours,



Given that there has been no significant change in the COVID-19 situation, we will be canceling the January 7th, 2021 regular communication, and reassess again in advance of the one scheduled for January 21st.

You all remain in my thoughts and prayers, and I salute your patience and resolve!


Doug Jonesi, Worshipful Master,
Raytown Lodge #391, AF&AM

Message From The Worshipful Master December 24th, 2020

December 24th, 2020


On this Christmas Eve it is my sincerest, most heartfelt wish that each of you find peace in your heart and mind, comfort and contentment with your loved ones, genuine hope for the future, and enjoyment of the blessings God has bestowed upon you in the present.

Merry Christmas, Brethren!

Doug Jonesi, Worshipful Master

Raytown Lodge #391 AF&AM

Due Notice…

Brethren–Due to the recent changes in the COVID-19 situation, all things considered, it is prudent we suspend group activities for a time. I have canceled Lodge meetings of 19 November, and both meetings in December. Also, formal study clubs hosted by Raytown 391 are canceled for the same time period. Any informal gatherings of our members at the Lodge must conform to regulations imposed by Jackson County and Grand Lodge edicts. In mid-December, I will reassess the situation for January.

During this time, I encourage all Brethren to keep in touch with one another, to responsibly practice ritual individually and in small groups, and each of us to do what we can to help out each other — and the community — through these difficulties.

Though we are going dark for a time, we are still a Lodge and we are still Masons. Let us remember in whom we put our trust; trust in Him. Better days will come. Amen.

Fraternally yours,


Message From the Worshipful Master 6 November 2020

Greetings, Brethren!

With so many of our Masonic activities on indefinite hold, I’d like to remind everyone that we are still conducting our stated communications on first and third Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., with social-distanced dinner preceding.  As well, we also continue our study club on the Wednesday evenings before each meeting, and study sessions on the other Wednesdays too.  We conduct these in compliance with the edicts from Grand Lodge and Jackson County Health Department.  When the restrictions are eventually lifted, we will have a lot of degree work to do and we want to keep our ritual sharp, so all who are well and able are encouraged to come and join us!

At our next stated communication on Thursday, 19 November 2020, we will be discussing ideas for our Lodge to remain active – both amongst ourselves, and in the community –  and we’d love to have you bring your ideas!

Be safe, and be well.

Fraternally yours,

Doug Jonesi, Worshipful Master

Raytown Lodge #391, AF&AM