Author Archives: rkingcade

Message from the Worshipful Master – October 14, 2017

Hello Brethren,

The new Masonic year is here. On September 30th Raytown Lodge #391 held its installation of officers and past master’s dinner. The installation was well attended as was the dinner afterwards. This year should be a great one and I hope to carry on the work we have been doing. I want the lodge to go for the gold ritual award again this year to make it three in a row. We have started our way down the path of the gold ritual award by testing and receiving the bronze ritual award on October 4th.

The regular communication held October 5, 2017 (my first meeting in the East) also happened to be our official visit from the DDGM of the 19th Masonic district of Missouri, no pressure.

There are several appointments to be made in the next couple of meetings and we will be holding a planning session for the annual events calendar so be sure to attend the meetings of you can. I am very blessed to be given this opportunity to lead such a dedicated lodge for the ensuing year, Thank you.

Officers installed were:

Worshipful Master – Tony Mesa
Senior Warden – Tom Ballieu
Junior Warden – WB Rick Kingcade
Secretary – WB Hank Bedsaul
Treasurer – RWB Jim Thayne
Senior Deacon – Doug Jonesi
Junior Deacon – Mike Gatschet
Senior Steward – Alex Keyworth
Junior Steward – Brandon Burkitt
Marshal – Grant Arnold
Chaplain – WB Bob Kennicut
Tiler – Richard Wisely

Grand Lodge:

Thank you to all the brothers who attended the 196th annual communication of the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, we had 9 in attendance. I am proud to announce that one of our own, RWB James T. Thayne (our Treasurer) was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the 19th Masonic district of Missouri. Congratulations Right Worshipful Brother Thayne.

Raytown Lodge #391 was recognized during the awards banquet for many accomplishments that clearly show the level of dedication the members of this lodge have for our lodge and the fraternity. We received the Gold ritual award, MOChip award and the Honor Lodge with distinction. I would like to note that there were only four Gold Ritual Lodges in the entire state of Missouri, now that in and of itself is amazing but when you consider Raytown 391 was the only lodge outside of the 43rd Masonic district that makes it even more special.

The legislation below was considered and voted upon at Grand Lodge:

  1. Constitutional amendment to add the offices of Grand Historian and Grand Musician to the list of Grand Lodge officers.
  2. Resolution to allow the Grand Lodge to institute electronic voting.
  3. Resolution to allow for electronic Proxy documents for Grand Lodge annual communication. Passed.
  4. By-law change to clarify the definition of electioneering.
  5. Resolution to clarify language regarding Grand Lodge annual budget.
  6. By-law change requiring all lodges to open on the first degree and progress to as high a degree as the lowest member present.
  7. By-law change allowing the Master of a lodge to start a meeting up to one hour early without the requirement of calling a special communication.
  8. By-law change to remove the required statement made between the first and second sections of the third degree.
  9. Renewal of authorization to pay $1.50 of the per capita fee to Masonic Youth organizations.

The officers of your lodge look forward to an active and successful lodge year.  We already have a fair amount of upcoming degree work along with Lodges of Instruction and our social activities.  Come join us for a meeting and enjoy the fellowship of your lodge brothers!

Tony Mesa
Worshipful Master

Annual installation of officers and Past Masters dinner

Raytown Lodge will host our annual installation of officers and Past Masters dinner on Saturday, 9/30/17. Installation will begin at 4pm with the dinner following, at around 5pm. Please join us in celebrating the installation of our new officers for the coming year and recognizing our Past Masters for their service to the fraternity.

3rd annual Raytown Lodge BBQ Competition is in the books!

Raytown Lodge #391 just completed hosting our 3rd annual Old Timers BBQ Competition. Congratulations to Smoke Company BBQ who took home honors as Grand Champion, and to Snail Slow Smoking who was awarded Reserve Grand Champion. We had 11 excellent teams participate this year. Blue Springs Lodge #337 took home the traveling Masonic Trophy for the third year in a row.

Thank you to all of our sponsors, volunteers, lodge members and judges, and special thanks to WB Steven Holbrook for his leadership of the event, Bro. Grant Arnold for his valuable expertise and to Barbecue Legend Paul Kirk for overseeing a flawless judging.