Author Archives: rkingcade

Raytown Lodge BBQ Contest – Help Needed!

Raytown Lodge’s annual BBQ contest is August 18-19. WB Steven Holbrook leads our efforts and advises we are in dire need of brothers to assist with the event. We need 5 people for general help on Friday night from 5-11pm, and we need 8 people on Saturday from 9am-5pm to help with the contest and contestants. Also need one person to help with the raffle on Saturday night. If you are available to assist please let WB Steven Holbrook know.

Special meeting – 7/19/2017

Raytown Lodge #391 will be conducting a special meeting next Wednesday, 7/19/17, to confer at least one, and possibly two 2nd degrees. We will begin at 7pm. Given the time of year and scheduled vacations we could likely use some extra help. Please join us if you can.

Need fireworks?

Raytown Lodge #391 is operating our annual fireworks tent at Highway 350 and Blue Ridge, in the parking lot of Sutherland’s and Gran Prix. If you are in need of fireworks please stop by and see us, and help support the lodge! Hours are 10am-10pm through July 4.

Fireworks tent – Team meeting – Wed. June 21st

We will have a planning/training meeting for all members who have signed up to volunteer to work the fireworks tent. This meeting will be Wednesday, June 21, at the lodge at 7pm. Please plan to be there if possible.

We will also have a meeting of individuals involved in the barbecue competition immediately after.