Author Archives: rkingcade

WB Robert S. Bailey, 1922-2017

Raytown Lodge is sad to learn of the recent passing of Worshipful Brother Robert S. Bailey, who died on February 16, 2017. Worshipful Brother Bailey was initiated in Raytown Lodge #391 on October 10, 1964, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on November 10, and raised to the degree of Master Mason on December 8, 1964. He served as Worshipful Master of Raytown Lodge in 1975 and was recognized for 50 years of Masonic service on November 17, 2014. Please keep the family of Worshipful Brother Bailey in your thoughts and prayers.

Jack B. Colvin, 1923-2017

Brethren, with sorrow we report that Brother Jack B. Colvin passed away on March 31, 2017. Brother Colvin was a 51 year member of Raytown Lodge #391. He was most recently residing in Florida. Services for Brother Colvin will be held on Saturday, April 8, 2017 at Park Lawn Funeral Home, 8251 Hillcrest Road, KCMO. Visitation at 1:00pm with service at 2:00. Please keep Brother Colvin’s family in your thoughts and prayers.

Regular meeting – 3/16/17 – 7:00pm start for degree work

This Thursday, March 16, Raytown Lodge #391 will be conferring a first degree during our regular stated meeting. We will begin at 7:00pm instead of our usual 7:30 start. As always dinner will be served before the meeting. We hope to have many interested members and brothers join us as a new brother begins his Masonic journey.