Category Archives: News

3rd degree and Family Pot Luck Dinner – 4/21/22

Raytown Lodge No, 391 will be conferring a third degree at our stated communication this Thursday, April 21, 2022.  We will open at 7:00pm.  This will be courtesy degree work for East Gate Lodge No. 630.

This is also our monthly family pot luck dinner.  East Gate Lodge will be providing chili and our lodge will provide cheese, onions and hot dogs.  You are welcome to bring your family members to enjoy a nice dinner, and if possible you can bring a side dish or dessert if you like.  Dinner will begin at 6pm.

We need all available members to join us to help with the third degree.

3rd degree tonight – early start 3/17/22

Raytown Lodge No. 391 will be conferring a 3rd degree at our stated communication this evening. Lodge will open at 7:00pm.

Also, being the second meeting of the month tonight is our family pot luck dinner, starting at 6pm. The lodge will provide sandwiches and chips, and ask that those who would like to participate bring a side dish or dessert.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


Here is a long overdue update on the activities of Raytown Lodge No. 391. We have been meeting regularly on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays each month, weather permitting.

For those who may not be aware, shortly after our installation this year our installed Master determined he would not be continuing. Through election the lodge selected WB Tony Mesa to assume the Masters chair for this year. He has worked to fill out the advancing line positions and we have a great slate of officers moving forward.

The lodge has achieved our Bronze and Silver ritual awards and we are working diligently to complete the Gold after a couple year pause. We have several new petitioners and brothers who are awaiting degree work, as well as being asked to assist other lodges with courtesy degrees.

We have resumed the practice of a family pot luck dinner before the 3rd Thursday meeting each month at 6:30pm. The lodge provides the main course, and we ask that each family bring something to share. It’s a great chance for our lodge family to become better acquainted and has been a big hit so far.

If you are a member of Raytown Lodge No. 391 we would love to see you. If you are a Master Mason of another lodge but are in the area we would love to have you visit as well. Please join us at our meetings.

Due Notice…

Brethren–Due to the recent changes in the COVID-19 situation, all things considered, it is prudent we suspend group activities for a time. I have canceled Lodge meetings of 19 November, and both meetings in December. Also, formal study clubs hosted by Raytown 391 are canceled for the same time period. Any informal gatherings of our members at the Lodge must conform to regulations imposed by Jackson County and Grand Lodge edicts. In mid-December, I will reassess the situation for January.

During this time, I encourage all Brethren to keep in touch with one another, to responsibly practice ritual individually and in small groups, and each of us to do what we can to help out each other — and the community — through these difficulties.

Though we are going dark for a time, we are still a Lodge and we are still Masons. Let us remember in whom we put our trust; trust in Him. Better days will come. Amen.

Fraternally yours,
