Annual Past Master’s Night

At our stated communication on Thursday, June 20, 2024 we will have our annual Past Master’s night. We will have pizza at 6pm and will open the meeting at 7pm. It’s always a great time as we put our Past Masters to work in the various functions of opening and closing the lodge. If you are a Past Master, or if you are a brother Master Mason who enjoys watching Past Masters put to work, then come out and join us!

Officer Elections and Dues Adjustment

At our last stated meeting we conducted our annual election of officers. The following brothers were elected to serve the lodge for the upcoming Lodge year, beginning in October:

Master: Bro. Eric Mesa
Sr. Warden: WB Jim Moore
Jr. Warden: WB Tony Beary
Treasurer: WB Steve Holbrook
Secretary: WB Tom Ballieu

Congratulations to these brothers for being elected to serve next year!

Also, the lodge voted favorably on a motion to increase the lodge dues, beginning with the 2024-25 lodge year. Next year dues will increase by $20 to help offset our continually increasing costs. Dues will now be $100.50 per year, which is still significantly less than many lodges in the area.

Third Degree and MOCHIP event

Third Degree:
The lodge will confer a third degree on Thursday, April 20.  We will meet at 7pm with dinner before.  Please come out and help raise our newest Master Mason!

The lodge is sponsoring a MOCHIP event at Raytown High School on Saturday, April 22.  Setup and training is at 9am and the event runs from 10am-2pm.  We need volunteers to assist.  If you can assist please sign up at the event at or if you are unable to use the online signup you can contact RWB Tony Mesa or RWB Rick Kingcade.

Trestleboard Update 04/11/23

Greetings, Brethren!  A quick Trestleboard update on happenings at Raytown Lodge No. 391.  We will try to publish more regularly in the future.

Third Degree:
The lodge will confer a third degree on Thursday, April 20.  We will meet at 7pm with dinner before.  Please come out and help raise our newest Master Mason!

The lodge is sponsoring a MOCHIP event at Raytown High School on Saturday, April 22.  Setup and training is at 9am and the event runs from 10am-2pm.  We need volunteers to assist.  If you can assist please sign up at the event at or if you are unable to use the online signup you can contact RWB Tony Mesa or RWB Rick Kingcade.

Regional Schools of Instruction:
RWB Rick Kingcade, Regional Grand Lecturer, will be hosting a series of Regional Schools of Instruction, open to all Master Masons, at the following:
Sat. 4/22/23     8am Breakfast, 9am School    Clinton Lodge No. 548, Clinton
Sat. 4/29/23     8am Breakfast, 9am School    Crescent Hill Lodge No. 368, Adrian
Wed. 5/10/23   6pm Dinner, 7pm School         Blue Springs Lodge No. 337, Blue Springs
Sat. 6/3/23       8am Breakfast, 9am School    Hermitage Lodge No. 288, Hermitage
Wed. 6/7/23     6pm Dinner, 7pm School         Temple Gate Lodge No. 299, Kansas City
Wed. 7/12/23   6pm Dinner, 7pm School         Belton-Grandview Lodge No.450, Belton

This year Raytown Lodge will again be operating the fireworks tent on our parking lot.  This is our major fundraiser for the year and we rely on our members to help staff the tent and make sure to maximize our fundraising.  Look for further emails with sign-up information soon.

Barbecue Contest:
WB Steve Holbrook advises we will again have our annual BBQ Contest, this year on Saturday, 8/19. Plan your entry!  More information to follow.

Lodge Ritual Award:
Raytown Lodge has successfully completed our Bronze and Silver ritual award examinations, and has completed the first section of the Gold ritual award.  We have three more sections to complete. We will need the help of the entire lodge to complete this.  It is a high honor and demonstrates the commitment to ritual of the members of Raytown Lodge.  Last year, out of 292 lodges, Raytown Lodge was the only lodge in the state to achieve the Gold award!  We intend to do it again this year.

Family Pot Luck Dinner:
At the second stated meeting each month (3rd Thursday, at 6pm) the lodge has a family pot luck dinner before the meeting.  Spouses, families and guests are invited to join the lodge members for dinner, get to know each other and share fellowship and hospitality.  We get a good turnout but would like it to be even better!

If you haven’t attended lodge in a while we would love to see you. If you have forgotten passwords, signs, etc., that isn’t a worry, as there are many members present who would be happy to help you knock off the rust.  The lodge needs your participation and support to survive and thrive.  Come out and see your brothers!  We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays each month, year round.  Dinner is at 6pm and the lodge opens at 7pm.

For any additional lodge information please contact the lodge Secretary, RWB Michael Tatham.

Annual Installation and Past Masters Dinner

Raytown Lodge will conduct our annual installation of officers on Saturday, October 15th, at 3:00pm. Immediately following we will have our annual Past Masters dinner. All members and spouses/guests are invited to join us for this annual event celebrating the installation of our new Master and officers, and recognizing our Past Masters for their contribution to the success of the lodge.