Message from the Worshipful Master – December 22, 2017


We have had a very busy month. We had a very good showing at the second lodge of Instruction for the 19th Masonic district held at Mount Washington. Thank you to RWB Brad Fowler for his dedication and work to provide an excellent program.

We are saddened by the passing of RWB Tom Truman. He was a friend to many at Raytown Lodge and will truly be missed by our fraternity. Please keep his family in your prayers.

Raytown Lodge #391 had the honor of helping four families this Christmas season. WB Cutler brought forward the opportunity to pass the hat for this worthy cause. The lodge voted to match the amount collected from the donations of the brothers, this netted nearly $600.00 which took care of all their requests.

On December 21, 2017, Ivanhoe lodge #446 conferred a 3rd degree with the assistance of the East Gate Travelers Club, in full ceremonial costume. Raytown has many members in the Travelers Club and it was a pleasure for many of us to travel to the meeting and participate in the raising of a new Master Mason.
January will bring a new year and a renewed drive towards the Silver and Gold ritual awards. WB Kingcade and WB Tatham will be working to get us ready for the testing. Thank you to ritual committee for the tireless work in helping us hone our skills.

I wish you all the best this holiday season.

Tony Mesa
Worshipful Master

3rd degree in costume at Ivanhoe Lodge – December 21, 2017

Tonight the East Gate Travelers Club will be conferring the 2nd section of the third degree, in costume, at Ivanhoe Lodge #446. Given that many of our officers and members are also members of the Travelers Club, we do not expect a quorum for tonight’s stated meeting. We suggest those who are interested instead join in a fraternal visit to Ivanhoe Lodge to enjoy and assist with the degree work. Their dinner begins at 6:00pm with lodge opening at 7:00pm. They are located at 8640 Holmes Road in Kansas City. We understand that some members plan to meet at our lodge at 5:30pm to carpool to Ivanhoe.

For those attending, colorful socks are suggested in memory of Right Worshipful Brother Tom Truman.

Degree work and early start – 11/16/17

The stated meeting of Raytown Lodge #391 on Thursday, November 16,2017 will start at 6:30pm instead of our usual time. The early start is because we will be conferring two 3rd degrees. Dinner will be served starting around 5:30pm. We hope to see a good turnout to help us raise two worthy brothers!