Regular meeting – 3/16/17 – 7:00pm start for degree work

This Thursday, March 16, Raytown Lodge #391 will be conferring a first degree during our regular stated meeting. We will begin at 7:00pm instead of our usual 7:30 start. As always dinner will be served before the meeting. We hope to have many interested members and brothers join us as a new brother begins his Masonic journey.

Grand Lodge member portal

Brethren, as you may be aware the Grand Lodge operates a member portal for all Missouri Masons, at . Each brother has a profile on the site, and the information is used by the Grand Lodge and by our Secretary to mail dues notices, notifications and other information. If you have not yet set up your online profile, please take a moment to visit the site and do so. Also, if your address or contact information has changed you can update them on this site.

Here is information from the software vendor on how to set up your profile.

Message from the Worshipful Master – February 28, 2017


Raytown Lodge #391 continues to swell its ranks. We have had several new brothers get initiated into the hidden mysteries of Freemasonry, and we have added new master masons to our ranks. I am pleased with initiative of our members to actively find good men and make them better.

This month, though a short month had several nice events. We had our sweetheart “pot-luck” dinner with a twist. Several brothers and their significant others joined my wife and I for an evening out at Jose Peppers in Lees Summit. Other than a long wait to get in, a good time was had by all and it was nice to have conversations with some of the lesser-known counterparts to our brothers. On the 24th of February, we had our second shooting event at Frontier Justice. While we shared that location this time with a few local DJs (one of which is a past master) the turn out and camaraderie was awesome. After each event I realize how safe of a lodge #391 is! We will continue to schedule events such as this to allow our brothers, family and friends intermingle. I would encourage any of our members to submit ideas of what they would like to do outside of the lodge. This lodge is a large extended family and we would be remiss if we left out our friends and significant others.

As we look towards next month, we have a few important events to remember. On March 2, 2017, we will be hosting a visit by the Grand Master of the State of Missouri. I am looking forward to formally meeting him (again). I expect to have a large attendance by lodges within our district so please plan accordingly. Brother Tom B. will be making some of his delicious BBQ for us so plan to be there early to ensure you get your fill. Start time is still at 7:30pm. I am requesting that the officers dress up if possible. I will be in a suit as I’m sure RWB Thayne will be. On March 4, the DDGM will be running his first of several Master education/mentoring programs. This will be hosted by our lodge and is scheduled to begin at 1:30pm. I will be attending along with WB Tatham. I am requesting that our JW and SW attend as well as this will aid them on their way to the East. Any other interested master mason is welcome to attend as well. On March 16, we will be conferring at least one first degree. Please attend if available. On March 25, we are scheduled to have a work day party. More information will be provided as we get closer.

Lastly, my thanks to Brother Rick for sending out our reminder texts for study club. Take this as advance notice that we will soon by upping the study club days. We have slowed down on our practice and path to the gold award. I hope that with the continued warm weather, our desire to improve our ritual work will continue to heat up as well.

WB Bryan