Message from the Worshipful Master – August 11, 2015

We continue with our summer. I hope that everyone has enjoyed the warmer weather and that everyone has been able to enjoy the time with friends and family! As the summer comes to a close, our work continues at a frantic pace.

I have some bad news to share. RWB William “Bill” Baker with Prince Hall has lost his brother this week. Brother Bill’s brother, Richard Baker, has passed away. Memorial services for Richard Baker will be held Friday 08-14-15 from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM at Watkins Memorial Chapel located at 4000 Emanuel Cleaver Blvd. Kansas City, MO. RWB Bill has supported many of our events and I would like to support Brother Bill in his time of mourning the loss of his brother. If anyone has the time to attend and pay their respects to Brother Bill I am sure the family would appreciate it.

Brother Steve Holbrook has been working hard to organize a BBQ competition for this weekend. It will Start on Friday (08-14-15) and continue to Saturday (08-15-15). This is a first for our Lodge. Please spread the word so we can get a large turn out. I should smell WOUNDERFUL!

We will have our second Special Communication on Thursday 08-20-15. The communication will start at 7:00 PM to discuss the possible purchase of part/all/none of the adjoining bank parking lot. We already had one Special Communication on this topic. The next meeting (08-20-15) will have limited presentation and discussion then I will ask someone to make a motion for the Lodge to vote on. We will have a course of action mapped out that night, the vote will dictate what that course of action will be.

We will have our next Regular Communication on Thursday 09-03-15 starting at 7:30 PM. Our regular communications continue to be the first and third Thursday of each month from September until June.

Stay well and I look forward to seeing my Brothers soon!
Tom Saccardi

Special Communication – July 16, 2015 – all members encouraged to attend

A reminder to all Raytown Lodge 391 members that the Worshipful Master has called a special communication for Thursday, July 16th, at 7:00pm. The purpose of this special meeting is to conduct an informational session and discussion related to the important real estate matter currently under consideration by the lodge. All lodge members are encouraged to attend. For more information please review the Worshipful Master’s post in the Trestleboard section.

Important Message – June 29, 2015

Brothers of Raytown Masonic Lodge #391:
As you all know, for the last several decades Bank of America has owned the property directly south of our Lodge and our two parking lots are “joined”. Bank of America had allowed us to use the parking lot as we needed and even extended us the courtesy of plowing the snow from out lot when they plowed their own lot. We have been the recipient of great generosity.

Many of our Brothers may not know that Bank of America closed the branch and sold the property and building recently. This sale has potentially put parking and access to our Lodge at risk.

To try and stay ahead of this issue, I instructed Brother Rick Kingcade to look into the issue and I had Brother Rick form an investigative committee with Past Masters. I gave Brother Kingcade this task because he does this kind of thing for his work/job as well as personal investments for himself and family. I feel that he has great expertise in this kind of thing.

Brother Kingcade has done some research into the situation. The good news is that our Lodge has options, the bad news is that our Lodge needs to take action before we lose our options and we are put into a corner where we are struggling to keep easy access and parking to our Lodge building.

After many hours of research and phone calls, Brother Kingcade has determined that our Lodge has three (3) viable options:

Option #1: Do nothing and let our choice be made for us, rather than taking control of our destiny.

Option #2: Try and buy part of the property. We would have to spend some of the Lodge “savings” but we will still have savings and we would build the “asset” of property.

Option #3: Buy all the land and the building, take the land we need/want and try to sell the rest. This will take more money than we have in savings, we would have to obtain a loan/debt and this would be a gamble.

Brother Kingcade made a brief presentation on these options at a regular communication a few weeks ago. Unfortunately the attendance was low, since it was a regular communication. I feel that this is an important enough issue that I am calling two special communications specifically for this issue.

The first special communication will be on Thursday July 16, 2015. We will open and tile our lodge at 7:00 PM. Brother Kingcade will present the information he has gathered and answer questions. The possible purchase of the property will be the only item for discussion this night. We will close Lodge promptly at 9:00 PM. Many of the Brothers will have to get up early the following morning for work and I want them to get a good nights’ sleep.

The second special communication will be held on Thursday August 20, 2015 at 7:00 PM. Again the Lodge will be opened and tiled. Brother Kingcade will give a brief presentation and try and answer any further/new questions that Brothers may have. Discussion will be allowed for 1 ½ hours (90 minutes). After that time, I will ask for a motion on a course of action. We will then vote on that motion via ballot, not a show of hands. Again, many Brothers will have to get up for work early the following morning so I am limiting the time for this meeting.

I do not mean for this letter to sound “dictatorial” but I strongly feel that this is an issue that all our Brothers need to be aware of, I feel that it is an issue that needs to be given its full and fair attention and I do not want to inconvenience anyone more than necessary. Brother Kingcade and his committee have given a lot of time, effort and energy to try and help our Lodge find a solution and they deserve the respect of their time.

I encourage everyone to attend these meetings and to pass the word among all our Brothers. Whatever decision we reach will not only affect us in the short term, but it will have a lasting effect on our Lodge for decades to come.

Please feel free to visit our Lodge website at at any time. More information will be posted there as well as reminders of our regular meetings and special communications.

W.M. Tom Saccardi
Raytown Masonic Lodge #391