Ritual Study Club

We will be having our bi-weekly ritual study club session this Wednesday, April 1 at the lodge, starting at 7pm. We would appreciate all line officers participating and welcome any brother interested in learning more about meeting and degree ritual.

Brothers- The schedule at Raytown Lodge continues to be full. We have added a study club that is meeting every other Wednesday at 7:00 PM. It is being taught by R.W.B. Ken Crawford and W.B. Mike Tatham. For those who had not heard, W.B. Tatham earned his Sub. 3 card for ritual. He has spent the better part of the past two years working on this. Please take a moment to congratulate W.B. Mike on his accomplishment. Brother Steve Holbrook continues to work on starting an annual BBQ competition. He has several other Brothers working with him to make this happen. If you have some time to help out, please call Brother Steve and offer whatever assistance you may be able to give. As with any endeavor, many good hands make light work. We will be honoring a Brother at our next regular communication (03-19-15) with a 50 year pin. W.B. Hank Bedsaul is trying to coordinate this award with several other Brothers who have earned the same recognition. The award will be at 7:00 PM on 03-19-15, before our communication. Please spread the word and ask as many Brothers to attend this ceremony as possible. We may have as many as four Brothers receiving their recognition. Let’s show these Brothers, and their family, the respect and honor they have earned by their service to our Fraternity. We will be taking part in the Raytown Community Health Fair that is scheduled on Saturday 08-08-15 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM at The Point located at 5600 Blue Ridge Cut Off. We have been asked to put on a MoChip Event. Please check your calendars and see if you can help cover this event. Being a community health fair, I expect that we will have a good turnout of families and children. This can help show the Raytown Community a small example of what Masonry is about. Brother Jonasie will participate in the Chance 2 Advance (C2A) class hosted by Summit Lodge on Saturday 03-21-15. Breakfast will be served at 7:00 AM and the class will start at 8:00 AM. Brother Jonasie has already been passed to the degree of Fellow Craft in Raytown Lodge. He will receive his Master Mason degree on 03-21-15. It would be nice if there was a good representation of the Brothers from Raytown Lodge to support Brother Jonasie as he receives this part of his Masonic education. Please try and attend if possible. Our next communication will be on 03-19-15. The meeting will follow the 50 year Pin Presentation by R.W.B. Bob Cowen. I hope to see as many Brothers there as possible. I hope everyone is staying healthy and is able to enjoy some of this beautiful weather we are being blessed with the past few days. Take care of each other. Sincerely, Tom Saccardi

Brothers- The schedule at Raytown Lodge continues to be full. We have added a study club that is meeting every other Wednesday at 7:00 PM. It is being taught by R.W.B. Ken Crawford and W.B. Mike Tatham. For those who had not heard, W.B. Tatham earned his Sub. 3 card for ritual. He has spent the better part of the past two years working on this. Please take a moment to congratulate W.B. Mike on his accomplishment. Brother Steve Holbrook continues to work on starting an annual BBQ competition. He has several other Brothers working with him to make this happen. If you have some time to help out, please call Brother Steve and offer whatever assistance you may be able to give. As with any endeavor, many good hands make light work. We will be honoring a Brother at our next regular communication (03-19-15) with a 50 year pin. W.B. Hank Bedsaul is trying to coordinate this award with several other Brothers who have earned the same recognition. The award will be at 7:00 PM on 03-19-15, before our communication. Please spread the word and ask as many Brothers to attend this ceremony as possible. We may have as many as four Brothers receiving their recognition. Let’s show these Brothers, and their family, the respect and honor they have earned by their service to our Fraternity. We will be taking part in the Raytown Community Health Fair that is scheduled on Saturday 08-08-15 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM at The Point located at 5600 Blue Ridge Cut Off. We have been asked to put on a MoChip Event. Please check your calendars and see if you can help cover this event. Being a community health fair, I expect that we will have a good turnout of families and children. This can help show the Raytown Community a small example of what Masonry is about. Brother Jonasie will participate in the Chance 2 Advance (C2A) class hosted by Summit Lodge on Saturday 03-21-15. Breakfast will be served at 7:00 AM and the class will start at 8:00 AM. Brother Jonasie has already been passed to the degree of Fellow Craft in Raytown Lodge. He will receive his Master Mason degree on 03-21-15. It would be nice if there was a good representation of the Brothers from Raytown Lodge to support Brother Jonasie as he receives this part of his Masonic education. Please try and attend if possible. Our next communication will be on 03-19-15. The meeting will follow the 50 year Pin Presentation by R.W.B. Bob Cowen. I hope to see as many Brothers there as possible. I hope everyone is staying healthy and is able to enjoy some of this beautiful weather we are being blessed with the past few days. Take care of each other. Sincerely, Tom Saccardi

Meeting cancelled tonight 02-19-15

Brothers- Due to the snow and cold weather, our regular communication for tonight (02-19-15) will be cancelled. We will not be doing our third degree tonight, since the meeting is cancelled. Brother Tony Mesa told me that the bulk of the snow has passed us by and that it should stop snowing by about 5:00 PM tonight but I will not risk it. I do not want any Brother risking slipping and falling, driving on slick roads or getting a cold tomorrow. We will plan our next regular communication will be Thursday March 5, 2015 at 7:30 PM. We will look at rescheduling the degree work at that time. Please stay home, stay safe and stay healthy!!! Please pass this onto other Brothers Thanks W.M. Tom Saccardi