Meeting cancelled

Brothers- Due to the snow and cold weather, our regular communication for tonight (02-19-15) will be cancelled. We will not be doing our third degree tonight, since the meeting is cancelled. Brother Tony Mesa told me that the bulk of the snow has passed us by and that it should stop snowing by about 5:00 PM tonight but I will not risk it. I do not want any Brother risking slipping and falling, driving on slick roads or getting a cold tomorrow. We will plan our next regular communication will be Thursday March 5, 2015 at 7:30 PM. We will look at rescheduling the degree work at that time. Please stay home, stay safe and stay healthy!!! Thanks W.M. Tom Saccardi

Brother Bill Shipman

All- For those who have not heard, Brother Bill Shipman passed away yesterday. I don’t have any more details and I have not heard about memorial services yet. Brother Shipman was a big part of the Eastgate Travelers Club, Eastgate Monday morning study club and a huge supporter of anyone who wanted to improve his Masonic ritual. It was Brother Bill who helped to show me that I could learn ritual and still have fun with it. I will always remember that when he took the step in degree work, he was able to turn his feet in completely opposite directions. His toes would be next to his heels, feet side by side. When I struggled with my ritual Bill would do something and bring a smile to my face when I needed it and let me get refocused. I am being selfish when I say that I will miss my friend. I hope and pray that I can bring as much to Masonry as Bill brought to me. Please keep Brother Bill and his family in your thoughts and prayers! I will pass on information as I get it. Tom

Brother Bill Shipman

All- For those who have not heard, Brother Bill Shipman passed away yesterday. I don’t have any more details and I have not heard about memorial services yet. Brother Shipman was a big part of the Eastgate Travelers Club, Eastgate Monday morning study club and a huge supporter of anyone who wanted to improve his Masonic ritual. It was Brother Bill who helped to show me that I could learn ritual and still have fun with it. I will always remember that when he took the step in degree work, he was able to turn his feet in completely opposite directions. His toes would be next to his heels, feet side by side. When I struggled with my ritual Bill would do something and bring a smile to my face when I needed it and let me get refocused. I am being selfish when I say that I will miss my friend. I hope and pray that I can bring as much to Masonry as Bill brought to me. Please keep Brother Bill and his family in your thoughts and prayers! I will pass on information as I get it. Tom

Lodge meeting 2/19/15

A reminder to all brethren that the regular lodge meeting on Thursday 2/19/15 will begin at 7:00 pm. We plan to confer a third degree and hope to have a large turnout of members and Masons.

Sweetheart Potluck lunch

Brethren- A couple f reminders for everyone: Our Sweetheart Potluck dinner has changed to a Sweetheart Potluck Brunch/lunch this year. We will still have it at our Lodge. It will be Sunday 02-15-15 at 1:00 PM in the afternoon. Brother Bryan Cutler has asked that couples with last names starting A-M bring a main dish and couples with last names starting with N-Z bring a side dish/salad or dessert. It will be a potluck buffet so bring your appetites and conversations Secondly: Brother Steve Holbrook has lined up a third degree in our lodge for our next communication. It will be held on Thursday 02-19-15. Lodge will start early, at 7:00 PM. We will need to get started so that we can confer the third degree and raise our Brother. Please pass the work to all Brothers so that they can attend. It would be nice to have a lodge full of Brothers to welcome our newest Master Mason into the Craft. Finally, please pass on the website for our lodge to any other masons and friends. Let’s work together to get the word out and have people check the website frequently. This is a great way to keep communication going and still be good stewards with the lodge money and considerate of all our brothers time and commitments. Stay well and I hope to see you all Sunday and again Thursday! W.M. Tom Saccardi