Stanton Brown

Please keep the Brown Family in your thoughts and prayers. RWB Stanton Brown, Grand Lecturer Emeritus passed away last night (12-18-14). He was a great man and better friend. We have all lost something by his passing. Our lives were made better by knowing him. All out thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time. … remembering that we are traveling upon the Level of Time, to that undiscovered country, from whose born no traveler returns…….

Message From the Worshipful Master

Masonic Brothers, Friends and Families- It is the holiday season and it is time for all of us to look back on the past year. We all have many things to be thankful for. We have had many opportunities to talk and laugh with friends and families. We can look forward to seeing family in the next few weeks. On a personal note, I am thankful to have had the past few months to be Worshipful Master of our Lodge. I was overwhelmed with the faith and trust that was given to me early this summer when our election was held. I had a difficult time staying focused on everything I had to say at installation, and I am excited, and still in awe, at every meeting to have the honor to sit in the East. It still seems like a dream. We are trying to improve our communication with our brothers. We have many Brothers who do not attend Lodge regularly. Some have moved away, some are sick and can’t make it and others simply have busy lives that keep them away. I hope that by using this web page, we can get more information out more easily. We have several events coming up in 2015. Feel free to look at the calendar to see what we have planned. It is looking to be a busy year for us all. I wish I could talk with each and every one of my Brothers and say Happy Holidays. I wish everyone a safe, happy and healthy Holiday season. Above all, I wish 2015 to be much better than 2014 has been for us all. May the Heavenly Father look down on our works here on earth and smile upon us all. May Brotherly love prevail and every moral and social virtue cement us. Tom Saccardi

Raytown Lodge is hosting a blood drive this Thursday, December 18th, from 2:00 to 6:30pm. Blood is in short supply going into the holidays and your donation can help save a life. Please help support the effort by stopping by the lodge to donate! Thank you to WB Gary Ball for coordinating this important event.

Please join us for our stated meeting this Thursday, December 18th, at 7:30pm at the Lodge. All brethren and Masons are welcome.

The next meeting of Raytown Lodge #391 will be on Thursday, December 18th, at 7:30pm. We hope to see all members and brethren there!