Message From The Worshipful Master, 10 October 2020

Greetings, Brethren!

To begin, I would like to say again what a privilege and honor it is to serve our Lodge as Worshipful Master this year – and I believe we are going to have a great year!

Though we begin our year with difficulties imposed on us by the COVID-19 pandemic, we can count ourselves as blessed that our difficulties are from the precautions we must take, rather than from the toll taken by the illness itself.  We are not completely unscathed, but so far, thank Heaven, the toll has been light.  As a reminder, we are required by Grand Lodge edict to abide by all state and local regulations on the matter, and the Jackson County Health Department ( by way of County Executive Frank White, has ordered that masks/face coverings must be worn at all indoor gatherings, unless actively eating; so, until that order is lifted, Raytown 391 will do as we must.

My thanks to RWB’s Matt and Dan Quesenberry, RWB, Brad Fowler, and RWB Rick Kingcade for conducting a splendid installation ceremony on Saturday, 26 September 2020.  As precautionary measures, we did not have guests, and we postponed the Past Masters Dinner (date TBD) until we can all enjoy it without worry.  God willing, that will be sooner, rather than later.

I would like to repeat here a couple of thoughts mentioned at that ceremony.  Yes, as a nation, a community, a fraternity, we are in the middle of a rough patch at present.  There is no doubt about that.  But our chapter of this fraternity has seen other rough patches and made it through.  We were founded in the Reconstruction Era by men with all-too-fresh memories of the Civil War and the strife which preceded that.  We made it through the War To End All Wars, and its sequel, as well as the Great Depression and Prohibition eras that separated them.  We made it through the Korean Conflict, the Cold War, the Vietnam/Sixties Era, Watergate.  We will make it through this rough patch.  Our brethren, from time immemorial, figured out what is truly important.  In our ritual, our obligations, our charges are found the tools to confidently – cheerfully, even – make it through these rough patches.  By practicing out of the lodge that which is taught within, we not only benefit ourselves and our brethren, but also our community, our nation, and world.

We have a great Lodge – part of a great Fraternity – and I believe we are going to have a great year!

Fraternally yours,

Doug Jonesi, Worshipful Master

Raytown Lodge #391 AF&AM

Installation of Officers

Raytown Lodge No. 391 will conduct our annual installation of officers on Saturday, September 26, 2020, at 3:00pm. Due to COVID-19 precautions the installation will be a closed ceremony, for Masons only. We regret our inability to invite family and friends. Our annual Past Masters dinner, which usually follows installation, has been postponed to a later date due to virus concerns.

Message from the Worshipful Master – September 22, 2020

Brethren, I bring you my final Trestleboard update as Worshipful Master.

This Saturday Raytown Lodge will complete our annual installation ceremony, a rite of passage which has been observed every year since the lodge was formed.  It provides us the opportunity to reflect on the past year and to look forward to the future.

To say that this past year has been interesting would be an understatement.  At our installation ceremony last September I outlined an multi point plan to begin revitalizing Raytown Lodge, which included an increase in civic, charitable and social activities.  We did start down the path of each of these goals.  We began a pot luck dinner at the second meeting of each month, inviting families to joins us for fellowship.  We started the process of adopting an official lodge charity.  We also worked to align ourselves more closely with other civic organizations to perform such events as the annual barbecue competition.

Unfortunately outside influences served to change our plans.  Coronavirus concerns ultimately caused us to suspend all social activities.  We were forced to cancel our barbecue competition, which is the fundraiser for our charitable activities.  We were even forced to suspend regular meetings from late March through early May.

Although we have been able to begin to resume lodge meetings, we are still very limited due to the threat of virus spread.  In order to maintain social distancing requirements and limit exposure we are unable to open lodge past the first degree. We are also restricted by the Grand Master’s edict from completing any degree work.  I expect these restrictions to continue for a while until community health and Grand Lodge leaders determine things are under control.

However, in spite of these challenges we had some notable successes.  We seated a full line of officers to progress through the advancing line, none of which have previously served as Masters of this lodge. This in itself is an accomplishment that many lodges are unable to claim.

We had a very successful fundraising activity with our annual fireworks tent. As you know, the fireworks tent provides the lodge with a good portion of our operating budget, and is the reason we have been able to keep our dues lower than many area lodges.  We successfully transitioned to running just the smaller tent in our lot which is much more manageable and increases our opportunities for success.

Even though we were only able to complete degree work through mid March, we were able to confer three first degrees, three second degrees and two third degrees.  We have a list of brothers awaiting degree work when we are again able to do so.

Raytown Lodge was able to complete our Bronze ritual award in the fall of this year. We were prepared to complete our Silver and Gold awards as well, but due to social distancing requirements it was determined that we were not able to be examined for those awards.  It is my hope that the lodge will continue this path and pursue these awards next year.

We completed one MoChip child identification event and had another that was cancelled due to the virus.  We also won the attendance award for the combined 18th and 19th District Lodges of Instruction.

Even with the restrictions in place Raytown Lodge was able to achieve the Grand Lodge Achievement award with Honor Lodge distinction.  This was only made possible due to the dedication of our officers and members.

Finally, at this year’s abbreviated Grand Lodge session, the 18th and 19th Masonic Districts of Missouri were recognized as co-Districts of the Year.  This award is in recognition of the lodges of the districts working together across district lines, our community outreach and Masonic education.  As part of the 19th Masonic District this reflects well upon the brothers of Raytown Lodge.

As I close this communication I would like to thank the brothers of Raytown Lodge for the opportunity to serve you this past year.  I would to thank the officers who went above and beyond numerous times to see that our objectives were completed.  I would like to thank the members who supported the lodge, both with your attendance at meetings and events as well as financially.  Our lodge is a family and I am proud to be a part of it.

I also wish to congratulate Brother Doug Jonesi on his election as your next Worshipful Master.  Master-Elect Jonesi has a full year planned and I am confident the lodge will be well served by his leadership.

I will be again serving the 19th District as District Deputy Grand Lecturer in the coming year, so while my attendance may not be quite as regular in the past I will still be actively involved in helping the brothers of Raytown Lodge with what I am sure will be a successful 2021.


Rick Kingcade
Worshipful Master 2019-2020

Message from the Worshipful Master – August 4, 2020

Greetings, Brethren! It is my pleasure to provide you a summer update on the activities of Raytown Lodge #391.

We recently completed our annual fireworks tent fundraiser.  As you may be aware this activity is the primary fundraiser to support operation of our Lodge. This year for the first time we operated just the smaller tent on our own property.  Business was stronger than normal and our year was very successful.  I’d like to extend our sincere thanks to our friends at Christian Lodge #392, Mt. Washington Lodge #614, Ivanhoe Lodge #446, Prince Hall Freemasonry and Boy Scout Troop 550 for helping us make this a successful event.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Raytown Lodge and our entire fraternity.  We are holding our stated meetings, but for now to help promote social distancing and reduce risk we are not providing dinner before meetings.  The Grand Master has issued an edict which guides Masonic activities and your Lodge complies with this edict as well as with governmental directives and requirements.

Due to pandemic concerns the lodge made the difficult decision to cancel our annual Raytown Community BBQ contest.  We had a number of contestants willing to participate but ultimately decided to cancel for the safety of all involved.  We look forward to returning stronger next year.

For many years Masonic ritual excellence has been a hallmark of Raytown Lodge. The brothers of our Lodge pride themselves on being among the best in the state at ritual.  Earlier in the year we were able to achieve the Bronze ritual award.  The brothers were hard at work practicing for the Silver and Gold awards, but in the interest of safety from COVID-19 we are not able to test for those awards this year.

We are also not able to complete any degree work at this time due to social distancing requirements. We have a sizeable pipeline in that we have two Fellowcrafts awaiting their Master Mason degrees, two Entered Apprentices, one candidate and an Entered Apprentice transferring in from another state.  Once we are allowed to complete degree work again it will be a very busy period for the Lodge.

Your Master-elect, Brother Doug Jonesi, is planning a tremendous Lodge year for 2020-21.  He has announced that the annual installation of officers will take place on Saturday, September 26, 2020.  The type of ceremony remains to be determined based on safety considerations.

Your Lodge officers continue to work diligently to constantly improve Raytown Lodge #391, even with the challenges of the current unprecedented circumstances. 


RWB Rick Kingcade
Worshipful Master

Raytown Community BBQ Contest – cancelled for 2020

Based on the current public health situation Raytown Lodge #391 has made the difficult decision to cancel the Raytown Community BBQ Contest for 2020. We plan to return stronger in 2021. All entrance and sponsorship fees will be refunded.

We share the sadness and frustration of everyone at the cancellation of so many events but protecting our health and safety must be the top priority.