Stated meeting – July 16, 2020

Earlier this year Raytown Lodge #391 decided to meet during the summer months in 2020. We will have a stated communication tomorrow evening, Thursday July 16, at 7:30pm. We will not have a meal before the meeting.

This meeting is our annual Tom Truman remembrance night and we encourage all who attend to wear their brightest Hawaiian shirt and crazy socks. For this meeting shorts are also acceptable attire.

Message from the Worshipful Master – June 10, 2020

Greetings Brethren,

It is my sincere hope that you and your families have been able to weather our recent challenges safely. COVID-19 is a serious issue and hopefully our Masonic family has been spared from the worst of it’s impact.

In keeping with the directives of the State of Missouri, Jackson County and the Grand Lodge of Missouri we were unable to meet from March until mid May. Your lodge officers kept in contact through electronic communications to assure the critical aspects of lodge business were addressed.

Based on the reopening guidelines established by Jackson County we are now able to resume meeting, and gathered to do so on June 4. Although we can now meet our practices will be different for the time being. For now we will not serve dinner before the meeting. We will follow social distancing guidelines. Pursuant to the edict of the Grand Master we will only open lodges on the 1st degree, and temporarily are unable to perform any degree work or ceremonies. It is my hope that these restrictions will be able to be eased as we progress through the summer.

I am happy to report that our lodge is growing in that  we have two Fellowcrafts, one Entered Apprentice and one candidate awaiting degree work. We also have one Entered Apprentice who is in the process of transferring in from another state. Once we can again perform degree work we can help these brothers along in their Masonic journeys.

At our stated meeting on June 4 we held our annual election of officers. I am pleased to report that the following individuals were elected to serve as your lodge officers for the 2020-2021 lodge year:

  •                         Worshipful Master                 Douglas Jonesi
  •                         Senior Warden                        Michael Gatschet
  •                         Junior Warden                        Brandon Burkitt
  •                         Treasurer                                WB Steven Holbrook
  •                         Secretary                                 WB Hank Bedsaul

Please join me in congratulating these brothers on their election. I look forward to an exciting lodge year in 2021 under their guidance.

As mentioned earlier Raytown Lodge will again be operating a fireworks tent this season. We will be operating the tent on our lodge parking lot. We are no longer involved in the tent at 350 Highway and Blue Ridge. WB Tony Mesa has prepared an online signup sheet for the work schedule. If you are able please sign up. We have posted the link on our lodge Facebook page and in the Greater Kansas City Masonic Calendar group. If you need the link please get ahold of myself or Tony.

We are also on track to complete our barbecue contest on August 8 and 9. We will again partner with the Raytown Main Street Association and will conduct our contest alongside their Raytown Live! Concert event.  Many thanks to Brother Brandon Burkitt for taking the lead in this endeavor.

A lodge is only as strong as its membership. We realize these are unprecedented times with unique risks and challenges. Please keep your Lodge in your heart and mind, and join us if you feel comfortable doing so. We miss seeing our Brothers!


Rick Kingcade
Worshipful Master

Raytown Lodge meetings resumed

Based on guidance from Jackson County, Raytown Lodge #391 is able to resume our stated meeting schedule. We will meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30pm going forward. We will practice social distancing procedures. For the time being we will not have dinner before meetings. We invite all Brothers who are comfortable meeting to join us. Masks are certainly welcome but not required.

Because of the reduced meeting schedule this spring we have decided that the lodge will not go “dark” this summer, but instead will continue to meet. We will skip the July 2 meeting due to the fireworks tent, but will have regular meetings on July 16, August 6 and August 20.

April Meetings – Cancelled

In keeping with the guidance provided by health authorities as well as the directives from the Grand Lodge, Jackson County and the State of Missouri, Raytown Lodge #391 has cancelled our stated meetings in April.

We will monitor the situation closely and make plans to resume our meeting and activity schedule when it is safe to do so. In the meantime we sincerely hope everyone stays safe and healthy.

Easter Message from the Worshipful Master – April 12, 2020

Brethren, on this Easter holiday I hope each of our brothers and their families are safe and healthy. As we reflect on the history and meaning of the day please keep also in mind the tenets of our institution.

As a society we have been in uncharted territory for some time now, not having seen anything even similar to this in a century. I have every confidence that we will overcome these challenges and come out of this, as a nation and as a society stronger than before.

I’m sure everyone is looking forward to returning to their regular lives and routines just as soon as it’s safe to do so. As an organization we have much work to do. We had a full slate of activities planned for this year and although I am sure our plans may change somewhat we will need everyone ready to jump in and do what they can to get our lodge back on track as soon as possible.

In the meantime I hope everyone continues to follow sound guidance to keep ourselves and families safe. I look forward to seeing you soon.


Rick Kingcade
Worshipful Master